Planting for Pollinators
Many native plants act as a food source for butterflies.
A butterfly garden contains food plants for butterfly caterpillars and nectar plants for the adult butterflies.
Tangles of roots, logs, and stumps create cavity areas for pupating caterpillars.
You may want to search through our wildflower inventory database for more information on species we grow.
You can also use this PDF guide that we have created highlighting plants being made available in pollinator pack size for 2024. Please note that not all species may be currently available as some may be sold out. Contact us to confirm current availability of desired species.
Pollinator Garden Packs
Mix & Match
Species available for this pack prefer full sun as do most pollinators.
It is best to grow them in a well-drained area.
Most are drought tolerant and require no special attention.
Each plant requires about 1 square foot in the garden, an area 5ft x 6 ft is all that is required for this mini oasis for bees and butterflies.
A little mulch between plants will help to keep weeds down and moisture in.
18 Plants for $55
Mix & Match
(or $3.50 each)