• Bea Heissler
    There is a natural tendency toward biodiversity built into living things.  In plants, this is achieved through cross-pollination and mutation.  When a plant produces seeds there will always be some degree of variation within the offspring.  Some may fail to thrive while others may be more successful than average.  The
  • Bea Heissler
    Declining biodiversity is one of the most serious issues today.  With the growing demands of the human population, species in all parts of the world are being stressed due to climate change, habitat loss, and pollution.  We are seeing unprecedented rates of extinction.   As landowners and gardeners, we need to
  • potted stock
    Bea Heissler
    Article by Bay of Quinte Tourism https://bayofquinte.ca/tourism/in-harmony-with-nature-natural-themes-native-plant-nursery/?fbclid=IwAR0vBgCagV6_qyZ5B6RjaztkQLIRqa-7DVMYicE5nKiuSjtkEauXtWgJp3Q
  • Bea Heissler
    In 2006, I took early retirement from a position in outdoor education to start a native plant nursery in Frankford, Ontario.  For those who recognize the importance of biodiversity and wanted to turn their yards into havens for wildlife, it was hard to find plants native to this general area.
  • Bea Heissler
    It is hard to imagine a world without flowers. They bring joy during times of celebration and solace during times of sadness or grief. Though the beauty of their form, colour and fragrance is so appealing to us, their true purpose is to attract the little creatures who act as
  • Bea Heissler
    The beauty of the natural world has inspired artists and poets since humans have been able to express their creativity on paper and canvas. Woodlands, parks and wilderness areas are common destinations for people who just want to get away from the regular hustle and bustle of modern life. All

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